The human immune system is one of the most complex systems and is responsible for weeding out harmful bacteria, viruses, and other disease-carrying germs and microbes that cause coughs, common colds, flu, and others.
Central to the immune system are the T-cells whose function is to kill viruses and germs. Other "helper" t-cells actually kill infected body cells and others that have become diseased and thereby dysfunctional.
Living in the 21st century and being surrounded by all kinds of deadly illnesses, it is crucial we keep our immune system in the best shape possible.
Sleep plays a very major role in the function of the immune system...
There is an interesting paradox involving sleep and the human immune system; less sleep means a weakened immune system which leaves the subject susceptible to illness, and the illness itself causes one to have trouble sleeping, thereby weakening the immune system further!
Scientists have found that the T-cells, responsible for our immunity system, are more active and in greater numbers in people who get at least more than six hours of sleep a day.
There was a pretty big drop in T-cell numbers in people who were sleep-deprived.
T-cells are responsible for keeping us safe by attacking disease-carrying viruses, bacteria, and other germs. They also help the body by getting rid of diseased cells that have been infected and are no longer functioning at an optimum pace.
In order to boost the immune system, it is essential we get at least 6 hours of sleep in one day-night cycle. Although, for most adults, it’s highly recommended to aim for at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
And beyond your investment in the mattress, it's important to make an overall commitment to sleep.